Thursday, March 1, 2018

Thu 2/1/18 - Self guided Bueno Aries City Tour

Since we did touring last time we were in Bueno Aries, therefore we decided to just wondering around the city near the port area to see it ourselves.  Our goals were to see surrounding areas of Puerto Madero, Puente De La Mujer (Mother and Daughter Bridge, Woman's Bridge), Sarmient Frigate Ship Museum and Reserva Ecologica Costanera Sur. It took us quite a while to get to Erserva Ecologica Costanera Sur which is Buenos Aires Ecological Reserve.  It has 835 acres and lots of trails.  We tried a short trail and gave up pretty soon due to the hot weather.  Then we walked to Puente De La Mujer which is a swing bridge, but somewhat unusual in its asymmetrical arrangement. It has a single mast with cables suspending a portion of the bridge which rotates 90 degrees in order to allow water traffic to pass.
When we got to the bridge, Sha and family pretty much had done with day’s walk and decided to head back to the ship.  Fei and Tony still want to see more of the city and continue on to walk over the bridge and took more pictures in front of the Sarmient Frigate Ship Museum.
Then we walked toward downtown area to look for Tango shoe stores that Lucia recommended to us last night.  Few years ago, Fei intended to buy Tango shoes in Bueno Aries without success and this time we decided to try it again.  After we got to the store, they were pretty helpful even speak Spanish only.  Fei got two pairs of shoes at reasonable prices.  Then, we walked all the way back to the cruise port and call off the day.
In the evening, prior to our dinner, we noticed that there was a professional Argentina Tango dance couple (Fernando and Cecilia) performing Tango in the Piazza.  It was only 15 minutes with 3 dances, however it was very impressive and enjoyable.  At the same time we learned that they had scheduled to teach Tango dance throughout the cruise.  It was a pleasant surprise for us.

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